好汉两个半 第三季演员表

  • 查理·辛

    查理·辛,美国影视演员。父亲是演员,,母亲珍妮·希恩是艺术系科班出身。年幼的查理就开始对父亲的表演职业产生了兴趣。9岁时, 查理在一部电视剧中担任了一个小 查理与前妻丹尼斯·理查德兹角色,这是他表...

  • 乔恩·克莱尔

  • 安加斯·T·琼斯

  • 乔迪·琳·欧基菲

    于1978年10月10日出生于新泽西的Cliffwood。 她具有爱尔兰、奥地利、捷克、波兰和瑞典五国血统。她是三姐妹中最小的一个。她说自己小时候是个留着碗盖头的小傻瓜。Jodi说当初看到二姐当模特时便暗自决心也要试一...

  • 朱丽娅·坎贝尔

    Campbell had a starring role in the feature film, Tillamook Treasure (2006), in which she plays Kathryn Kimbell, the mother of the story’s lead character. She has appeared on such television shows as Still Standing, Martial Law, and Herman’s Head, Ally

  • 埃曼妞·沃吉亚

  • 艾普尔·鲍白

    April Michelle Bowlby was born on 30 July 1980 in Vallejo, California, USA. She and her family moved to Manteca, California, when she was a small child. April studied ballet, French and marine biology at Moorpark College, before deciding to pursue an ac

  • 瓦莱丽·阿兹林

    Azlynn was born Valerie Asselin in New London, Connecticut and was raised there. She had open-heart surgery to repair an atrial septal defect at age 13. She attended The Williams School and Waterford High School. She moved to New York City at age 17 to

  • 乔希·戴维斯

    Josie Rebecca Davis is an American actress, best known for her role as Sarah Powell in the television sitcom Charles in Charge from 1987 to 1990. Davis began her career acting in commercials at three years old. She played Sarah Powell on Charles in Char

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